Hello from beautiful and not-at-all-autumnlike Texas - (It's Nov 7 and it's supposed to be mid 80s and humid today - how I long for some cool weather!).
I've gotten about 4 repeats done on the BO this time around (I've started and frogged this baby
3 times before.) But I seem to be having more success this time.... I don't know what the difference is, I've been using the same yarn (Silky Wool) and the recommended needle size, and I have good gauge... It's just the pattern-reading that seems to be getting to me... I've only done a few really pattern-critical items - mostly I've just made scarves and very easy hats (knitted flat & then mattress-stitched).
This pattern has been a learning process for me. It's looking pretty okay though, these days.. I'll post a picture once I get a friend with a digicam to shoot one for me (he was all like.... "you want me to take pictures of your knitting? WHY ON EARTH?" Feh. Some people just don't
get it. Feh again.)
All in all, though, I'm pleased with my progress this go around - I have about 12" of progress to show. (MY previous attempts have been catalogued on
my blog, if anyone's curious.
All you other ladies seem to be rocking and rolling on your scarves!! The variegated one is just lovely - I'm kind of curious to try this scarf as a skinny scarf with sock yarn - maybe as a double-panel. (I love doing really challenging things... Can you tell?
Happy knitting!