Tuesday, May 31, 2005

This is a Real Head-scratcher

I have been looking at all the pictures here and have realized I am doing something wrong. I'm not sure what, though. My poor two repeats do not look the same as anyone else's. Maybe I'm slipping my stitches wrong. I am going to slowly and carefully start another scarf using some stash crap yarn and see where I've gone wrong or if I need to change yarns completely. My scarfette is very, very loose. (Swatches?? I don't need no stinking swatches.) Ya' know, what really bugs me is I'm so not a new knitter. I've never done lace work before but I have made some really complex projects-honest. I am going to do this. (Talk me out of it.)

7 repeats

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7 repeats in and it's going much better this time. The Cascade Indulgence I'm using this time is working much better than the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk did. Finer guage yarn and more tightly plied strands = less yarn splitting. Woo Hoo!

I still have to concentrate when I work on this project but I'm enjoying it.

Monday, May 30, 2005

One Ball Down

one more to go. I am about half done with my Branching out!!


A little more progress

But I unfortuately seem to be running low on yarn! Hopefully I can pick up some more Cascade 220 in the same dyelot from my trusty lys. This color of green can't be that popular (meaning they shouldn't be sold out of the dyelot)! We shall see...

What's this?


It's a Branching Out handwarmer!

I have a second skein of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool and I thought matching harmwarmers would be great for my Branching Out. The challenge will be to make the second one similar (I do not hope for "same") to the first one since I am modifying the pattern a little and not taking notes.
I managed to do two repeats with less problems than last month's many frog-filled days. The Yarn is more of an olive but my digital camera would not behave and take a good pic. Ah well. I'm hoping to join the ranks of the completed knitters soon. I held off on making this into a wrap consideing the frogging issues. I'll try for the shawl again when this current WIP is a wrap..no pun intended ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I am never going to get this thing finished. I keep getting distracted or have a brain drain and mess up over and over and over...AARGH! However, I must just say the Elsebeth Lovold holds up to frequent trips to Frogtown. It looks as good as new. Unfortunately, I don't.

Monday, May 23, 2005

no no to alpaca silk

Hi I also just joined and wanted to say hi. I would be about 5 repeats in but I dismantled my scarf a couple days ago. I was using Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk in ruby. The k3tog's and s2 kl psso parts were really tough with this yarn as it kept splitting. I was putting up with it until I ripped and re-knit the same section 4 times... just kept being wrong. That's what I get for watching Six Feet Under, talking to my boyfriend and trying to knit lace all at the same time. So I'm going to try again with different yarn. Not sure what yet but I'm sure I can find something suitable in my stash :) And I'm going to read through this blog and see what everyone else used.

Thanks for making a KAL for this awesome project!


Hi! Just joined...

...and I am way, way behind. I'm using the Elebeth Lovold Silky Wool #2 but, since this is my first lace project, I practiced the pattern on some yuck-o acrylic first. I did well with that but I've had a complete brain melt-down now that I've started the wool. I have two repeats and sometimes I think I'm destined to only ever have two. I keep botching the third repeat because I really like using a chart (my first time) and I am impatient and won't wait to work on it when I don't have to jump up and attend to something. I must get someplace diversion free.

Also, now that I have read these posts, I have decided I would like to make a wider scarf. And ain't that some big talk from someone who has no idea how to change the pattern?

I'll keep on with the scarf I've started; I have designated, as of today, the time from 6PM to 8PM as Serious Undistracted Knitting Time.

I'm two repeats in and can't wait to start another-I have the same yarn ordered in periwinkle.

Thursday, May 19, 2005


My Branching Out scarf is done. It's blocking right now so here's a detail shot.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Progress Report

Hi all!

No photos to show as the camera is on vacation (at sisters!)
However 1 skein down on the branching out and it finished 18 repeats. Which is perfect. This means that my designated 36 repeat scarf will take exactly 2 skeins of the knitpicks wool. Whoo hoo. So I am now halfway there.


Monday, May 16, 2005

Its getting there!

OK so after ripping this out more than a few times it is finally coming along take a look.


so hopefully I will have a completed pic to show you eventually!



I finally finished my BO today, I am so excited. I was getting really tired of knitting it. I wish I had made it for myself, though. Will post some pictures after blocking, hopefully :)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Button and Progress

Here is one button that I found...somewhere. Please copy and save it to your own server. There's a red version here.

I'm a third of the way through my yarn. It will be a nice final size and length.

Let's try that again.

I was having a bit of trouble with the Douceur et Soie, so I started over with Cascade 220. That's allowed, right? :) It's going much better this time, and I'm using the pattern chart like a pro! This is my first time with a chart, and it's totally blowing my mind.
Hey, has someone made a button for this KAL? I feel like I've seen one somewhere, but I can't find it.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

16 Repeats down!

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Not such a good picture. I still haven't perfected the art of taking pictures of my knitting.

It's Rowan 4ply cotton in Marine (dark blue).

I measured my table last night and I think I'm almost half way done. It's going slowly but I love it so far!

One down, thirty five to go!

So I've completed one repeat on my branching out scarf! Woo hoo! I'm using some dark green Douceur et Soie that I happened to have in my stash, and I think it's going pretty well so far. It looks like my gauge is a lot looser than the scarf depicted in the pattern, but we'll see. I hope it's not so loose that it's unrecognizable as leaves.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I started my Branching out a few weeks back and am really enjoying it. This is my first real foray into lace, so there has been much ripping and gnashing of teeth, but I'm finally getting the hang of it. This is made up in Silky Wool in color #10 (got it here). I really like this yarn - it's soft, but doesn't split easily and drapes well. The color is gorgeous - very close to this picture, with lots of variations in the blue throughout the yarn. This is being made up for my son's Kindergarten teacher as an end of the year present, so my deadline is June 9th. I will finish by then.*


*famous last words :-P

Just joined today!

I just joined and started my Branching Out today. I've been meaning to start for weeks, but well..ya know how it goes.

Here's the three repeats I did this afternoon.

The yarn is a 100% wool sock yarn from Ozyarn, which is now closed, and I don't know the colorway. The yarn was a gift from a good friend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

progress report

Branching Out
Originally uploaded by turtalia.
almost half way there, and I am just about at that point where I can speak to others and knit the RS at the same time. which is more than I can say for last week.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Frog City

I had to frog my scarf. Thankfully, I still hadn't gotten very far, but it was still very "grrr."

I'll try again as soon as possible, but I think I'm going to take a break, while I figure out how to make sure I read the correct row when I'm on it. *grin* :)

I love seeing everyone's pictures! There are lots of lovely scarves out there. :)

Here is my progress so far. I still have a long ways to go it seems and I can only work on it when I can concentrate. Someday I hope I'll finish it. :) Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

New Participant

Hi Everyone

This is my first attempt at lace knitting, and it is going very slowly. Since the below pic was taken I have only done 5 more repeats.

I have worked out that due to un-knitting and reknitting time (at least 2 rows per 10) I take a full one hour TV show to do 1 repeat. Therefore 3 TV shows on Sunday night = 3 repeats.

I think the reason I am going so slowly is that it is a knit that needs concentration and I am trying to watch TV as well. But anyway, I have worked out that I need to do 36 repeats to get my desired length. So 11 down, 25 to go.

By the way- does lace weight yarn stretch more than 'normal' yarn. I am using some 100% Peruvian wool and it doesn't seem to go as far as others on this KAL. If I tried again in lace would I need as much yarn as I am going to??? hmmmmmmmmm


I finshed my Branching Out this weekend:

Branching Out Posted by Hello

I really love this pattern - it was my first lace attempt, and easier for me than I anticipated. I tend to hate fiddly kitting, and thought lace was too fiddly, but I think this was just the right speed. This was knit with 100% wool from a recycled sweater on #8 needles.

Finally got started!

nullFinally got this started. Most of this was done in one episode of Stargate. I can't believe how fast this is going with the Kidsilk Haze. I'd have more done, but I did have to tink back a few times. I don't know how defined the lace pattern will be with this fuzzy yarn, but it is light as air.

Branching Out in Malta..........

Finally I have some progress to share.....

I finally got a chance to go to the local yarn shop and nabbed some bargains! I started this yesterday as I was working super long hours on Saturday but I am very pleased to say I managed 5 repeats so far including cross stitching a bookmark and trying to de-stress!
Is it me or did everyone get the raiised middle? I am working as loose as I can.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

10 Repeats in!

I am going to try to get a picture up today. I took a picture but the light was so weird. So far, so good though. I keep counting on every row and saying Yay! to myself when I get the right number.

I can't believe how slow I'm going though. Ugh.

Friday, May 06, 2005

She loves me even if...

I've frogged a total of three times and decided that I desperately need a row counter! That and I am switching to bamboo because it is just too loose and flies about on the silver circs. Glad I gave Mom part of her Mother's Day gift when I saw her a few weeks back. It should have been done but, she's a little Italian peach and would love it just as much 3 days late!
Oh Froggy, go live somewhere else for a while :(


Had a bit of a slow start with this as it's my first time doing lace. Now it's coming along quite smoothly however and I'm really enjoying it. I'm just using the Silky Wool in moss. The color isn't very accurate in the photo however.

Another bad Branching Outer

Hello all,

I really meant to post before now. I just don't know where the time has been going. Certainly not into my BO. I have about 15 repeats done, but I can't get motivated to finish it. Perhaps it is because I realized on repeat 13 that I was doing the yarn overs wrong. I'm a new knitter and didn't realize I was doing them wrong until I started another project with yo's.

So my dilema is do I frog it and start it over or do I just continue to knit doing the yo's wrong. It is a belated mother's day present for my MIL and she will understand if I just finish it off as is. Can always make her another one the right way for her birthday. :-)

I'm using Tahki Stacy Charles Ritratto yarn in colorway 70. I'm not seeing the lace definition the way I would like, but I think that is due to the incorrect yarn overs and not the multi-colored yarn as I had originally thought. You can see the pattern and I think it will come out more when I block it. Oh and I accidentally bought size 7 instead of size 8 needles, so that probably has something to do with it as well.

Oh well, it is a learning experience right? I am really enjoying knitting lace. This is my first lace project, so I guess I expected it to be a little slow and mistake filled. I can't wait to buy some more yarn to make one for my mom and myself! Sorry this got so long!

Jenna (aka gidgettm on the knittyboards)

Slow to start

It was a slow start in seeing how I frogged this 3 times already all because I was not paying attention to what i was doing! Well I started it up again last night and im in the third repeat, so tonight and tomorrow night all knitting all the time!!!! I love nothing more than a fast approaching deadline (I thrive under the pressure) hopefully I'll be able to take a pic tonight and I will post it up asap.


Just Branching Out

I started my scarf on Friday. I'm using some Noro Lily from my stash.

It's more burgundy than it appears in the photo.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Phooie-- Stalled!

So there I was, knitting away, having a great old time. I have even conquered the nefarious Row 7, finally got into a rhythym with it.
I have 40 inches of Branching Out done. Forty inches, with only 8 inches of yarn left. And 40 inches of scarf does not do what I want a scarf to do.
Phooie! Should've bought that one more ball I was thinking of.

Sooo... here I am, waiting for payday and envying the ones who have actually finished their scarves already.
Since it is silly to buy a ball of yarn for 2 dollars, and then spend 5 dollars on shipping, I found a few more things I need at Elan.com. Enough yarn to make a very cute beret as well as finish the scarf, and some needles, and an amazing beaded sock pattern, and, and, and!
(The fact that I have not knitted anything in the round, attempted even a single sock, nor beaded anything yet does not deter me. After all, I can spit splice!
Hmm. Maybe I am a little too jazzed about that?)

Autumn Leaves

I've finished 20 repeats on my BO, though the picture was taken when there were only 10.

I'm not getting as nice a pre-blocked stitch definition as most people are. (I see that in the picture it looks like there's more definition than there is in real life; I wonder if this is true only for my BO?) I think this is because I'm working with home-spun singles. When I finger-block it the definition is all right, though, so I'll continue, since my daughter fell in love with the yarn and I haven't enough to try to ply it.

I think I'll eventually do the scarf again in a single shade--the varigation is also blurring the lace pattern. Live and learn.

I've been bad...

HI! Wow they are all looking so nice...I've been bad and haven't worked on mine for awile... (hit me now) I better get going so I can post a picture when I'm done!

Vanna White for a posting!

Hi everyone,

April is allowing me to share a picture of the lovely prizes she has in store for you all.
hand painted lace
These are hanks of 100% Merino lace that I've painted. April sent me the lace in it's original fawn color and asked me to dye it for prizes. These are the end result of that effort. I have no idea how the prizes will work, so please don't ask me, that's all April. :) Oh yes, and my BO is moving along at a slow steady pace, I've just gotten a bit burned out on lace recently.


Woo-hoo - she's finished!

It's been blocked and it's off in the mail with cute handpainted gifts from the boys for their grandma. I hope she loves it.

I bought another ball of Rowan KSH and I'm planning to make another scarf with it. I'm trying to figure out my own lace pattern for this one though. :)

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Getting long...

My little Branching Out has been on hold for the past week while I throw together a couple Mother's Day gifts. But I finally got around to taking a picture. She's exactly 3 feet long and somewhere around 22 repeats. I plan to knit another 1 1/2 feet or so. I want her to be longlonglong. Glad to see everyone else's progress. Keep it up!

Hello and Progress

Hi! I just started Branching Out yesterday, and after much frustration, I think I am finally on my way.

I am using a terrific 50% merino, 50% silk coned laceweight yarn called Zephyr they sell at my LYS. It's an incredibly good deal pricewise. I love how this yarn looks and feels - super soft and kind of shimmery.

Branching Out 050205 002 Edit

I've finished about 5.5" inches so far, double stranding the yarn. I'm making it for my mom for Mother's Day :)

Branching Out 050205 011 Edit

More details at my blog: http://darnyarn.blogspot.com/

Monday, May 02, 2005

Progress Pics...

This is 9 repeats of the pattern in Rowan Kid Silk Haze. (I have 15 done now). I must get my booty in gear so I can block it and still send it out in time for Mother's Day.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

At last!! I'm finished with Branching Out. Actually, I can't believe that I knitted it so fast. I think this is the first time I ever finished a project in 5 days ;) I did 38 repeats, and I think I still have more than enough yarn for another 2. But I'm getting sick with the pattern and decided that enough is enough. So everyone, a big applause for me, please, cos I'm so proud of myself ;D.
